Saturday 14 December 2013

What Happened Next?

Is actually a very good question. Two months have gone by since my last post and when I last posted I was just five days short of THAT day.

What happened next was a combination of a terrible haircut, a much better haircut, a couple of tattoos, one of which is twinned with a pub in Bristol, and a meeting with a group of people, half of whom I had never met but knew very well and the other half I had already met but hadn't seen for ages. On a barge. With burgers. Also starring some legwarmers, the most surreal overnight queue outside a shop ever, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and and a shot of what can only be described as a total headfuck in a glass that makes time go slower.

I shall elaborate, but it will take several posts to do so. Mostly because it's such a long and good quality story that stuffing it all into one post would be a travesty and disrespectful to the events that occurred.

And I am too tired to do it now. So it must wait. But not for long.

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